
Sandi McElhenney

Sandi McElhenney is a leader in her community of Lebec in Kern County where she currently serves as the President of Krista Mutual Water Company. In her role, she has been instrumental in the current consolidation of Krista Mutual Water Company with Lebec County Water District. When completed, this project will upgrade and modernize the current 75 plus year old infrastructure and will include a blending station to bring Krista Mutual Water Company into state floride compliance.

Sandi also serves on the board of the Castac Basin Groundwater Sustainability Agency (GSA) where she closely follows the implementation of the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) and advocates to protect vulnerable rural communities within the GSA from disproportionate negative impacts of groundwater extraction and drought.

Most recently, Sandi was voted in to serve on the Board of the California Association of Mutual Water Companies where she learns tools and resources to ensure effective and compliant operation and governance for small systems.

Sandi has been involved in water for over 10 years and her passion for clean, affordable drinking water for all, especially the disadvantaged communities in the San Joaquin Valley, has led her to participate in the San Joaquin Valley Clean Water Advocates. The San Joaquin Valley Clean Water Advocates was formed because there’s continued disproportionate impacts to historically underserved communities from inequitable water management, land use and planning decisions. As a member of the SJV Clean Water Advocates, Sandi received stipends to participate in key water meetings and training opportunities. Through her participation, Sandi worked with Self-Help Enterprises to apply for a scholarship to attend the annual Groundwater Resources Western Groundwater Congress. Sandi was selected as a scholarship recipient and received a scholarship worth over $1,500 to attend the Groundwater Resources Western Groundwater Congress in Burbank on September 12-14, 2023. The scholarship covered travel, lodging and registration.

Sandi is dedicated to securing safe and reliable drinking water and building resilience to future water shortages.

“I want to thank you so much for supporting my attendance at the western groundwater congress and Water Foundation conference. the speakers were excellent, and it was very informative.  I learned so much and am using some of the information at my CalMutuals meeting. Again, thank you for all your support.”



