Board & Committee Seats

Learn how to participate in board and committee meetings and seats available on local, regional and state agencies.

How to Participate

  • Stay Up To Date

    Register for interested parties lists and email updates.

  • Review Meeting Agenda

    Identify topics of interest and prioritize which meetings to attend.

  • Review Meeting Packet

    Review the agenda packet, which includes backup documents related to the agenda items.

  • Attend Meetings

    Attend meetings of local, regional and state agencies.

  • Speak Up

    Provide comment at board meetings or during review/comment periods.

  • Serve Your Community

    Apply to serve on a board, advisory or stakeholder committee.

Opportunities to Serve on a Board or Committee

  • The North Fork Kings Groundwater Sustainability Agency consists of a seven-member board and includes a designated rotating board seat for the Laton Community Services District, Riverdale Public Utilities District, and Lanare Community Services District. Currently, there are 0 vacant seats and there are 0 upcoming open seats. Learn more here.

  • The purpose of the Committee is to represent the interests of rural communities including, domestic well owners, public drinking water systems and the residents they serve, small community water systems, local land use planning agencies, municipal well operators, and environmental justice or community benefit organizations. The Committee will assist the Board in providing input, information, and recommendations regarding the sustainable management of groundwater in the area. The Committee will consist of no more than nine members and meet on a quarterly basis. Members will serve a two-year term and may be reappointed. Currently, there is an opening for 1 more seat and there are 0 upcoming open seats. Learn more here.

  • The purpose of the Committee is to provide input on technical studies and to function as a stakeholder outreach forum to foster active public participation in the Mid-Kaweah GSA. The Committee will consist of an 11-member standing committee appointed by the agency’s Board of Directors, including up to three members representing environmental interests and/or disadvantaged communities. Members will serve a three-year term and may be reappointed. Currently, there are 2 vacant seats (1 vacant seat for at-large Visalia and 1 vacant seat for at-large Cal Water Service). Learn more here.

  • The Advisory Committee assists in developing policy and giving guidance from technical, social, and impacted party perspectives. There are eleven members of the advisory committee. The Advisory Committee includes seats for agriculture (3 members), domestic well user (1 member), rural community (3 members), environmental (2 members), water company (1 member) and, other (1 member - science). The Advisory Committee considers stakeholder interest in GSP development and implementation from a variety of disciplines. Currently, there is 1 vacant seat for a disadvantaged community (DAC) representative. Learn more here.

  • The purpose of the Rural Communities Committee and the Stakeholder Committee is to advise the Board of Directors regarding the policy and procedures of the Authority and the development and implementation of the Plan. Committee members are appointed by the Authority’s Board of Directors. Currently, there are 0 vacant seats, but at the end of the year half of the seats are up for appointment/re-appointment. Learn more here.

  • The GSAs for the Merced Subbasin are looking for volunteers to fill positions on the Stakeholder Advisory Committee to help with the upcoming development of the GSP 5-Year update, implementation of the GSP, and provide community input to the GSA governing boards. The Stakeholder Advisory Committee will be selected through a public application process and approved by the GSA governing board. Currently, there are 0 vacant seats, and there are 0 upcoming open seats. Learn more here.

  • The SAFER Advisory Group provides the State Water Board with constructive advice and feedback on the Safe and Affordable Drinking Water Fund Expenditure Plan and other related policies and analyses. The Group is composed of 20 appointed members that represent public water systems, technical assistance providers, local agencies, nongovernmental organizations, the public and residents served by community water systems in disadvantaged communities, state small water systems, and domestic wells. The next application round for the Advisory Group opens in July 2024. Currently, there are 0 vacant seats, but at the end of 2024, there will be 2 upcoming seats. Learn more here.

  • The Tulare County Water Commission is designed to examine a wide variety of water issues that impact Tulare County. The Water Commission serves as an advisory body to the Tulare County Board of Supervisors. The Commission is made up of local water experts including engineers, water district managers, elected officials and community activists. Three members are appointed by the Board of Supervisors to fill at-large seats. Currently, there is 1 vacant seat for a representative who lives or works in District 5. Additionally, at the end of April, there will be 1 upcoming opening for an at-large appointee. Learn more here.

  • The purpose of the Kings County Water Commission is to act as an advisory agency to the Kings County Board of Supervisors on matters involving the development, use and conservation of water resources, both as to quantity and quality, for agricultural, commercial, industrial, domestic and recreational uses. The Commission advises and reports to the Board concerning water matters which are proposed or enacted under State or Federal legislation or regulation affecting Kings County. One seat is reserved for one seat reserved for Special Districts like a community services district or public utility district. Currently, there is 1 vacant for a representative who lives or works in District 4. Learn more here.

  • Aims to preserve, enhance, and restore the quality of the Central Valley’s water resources for the protection of the environment, public health, and all beneficial uses for the benefit of present and future generations. The Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board makes critical water quality decisions for its region, including setting standards, issuing waste discharge requirements, determining compliance with those requirements, and taking appropriate enforcement actions. The Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board is semi-autonomous and is comprised of seven part-time Board members appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Senate. Currently, there are 2 vacant seats (1 vacant seat for dem/comp interests and 1 vacant seat for the public). The recruiting for Board positions is strictly done at the Governor’s Office. Learn more here.

  • The Department of Water Resources (DWR) established a standing drought and water shortage interagency task force in coordination with the State Water Board and other relevant state agencies to facilitate proactive state planning and coordination for pre-drought planning, emergency response, and post-drought management. The task force includes two appointees from each of the following groups: local governments, community-based organizations, Tribal representation, nonprofit technical assistance providers, the public, agriculture, environment, public water systems, and experts in land use planning, water resilience, and water infrastructure. Currently, there are 0 vacant seats and there are 0 upcoming open seats. Learn more here.

  • The Tule MLRP group is a local collaborative effort that aims to support landowners, farmers, and communities with achieving groundwater sustainability by transitioning irrigated agriculture to alternative land uses, a practice known as land repurposing, that provides multiple benefits such as community, economic, and environmental wellbeing. The MLRP group is engaging a broad range of community members to better understand what the Tule Subbasin needs and find common ground to create and implement the best possible solutions for groundwater sustainability. Residents of Allensworth, Alpaugh, Ducor, Earlimart, East Porterville, Pixley, Porterville, Richgrove, Terra Bella, Tipton, Woodville, Poplar, or Teviston are encouraged to apply. For more information, contact or (559) 802-1683. Currently, there are 0 vacant seats and there are 0 upcoming open seats.

  • The Kaweah MLRP Program is seeking the input of interested stakeholders to participate in a Stakeholder Advisory Committee. This committee will be asked to review the MLRP Project Selection Criteria as well as the selected projects prior to submission to the Department of Conservation. Following the project application period, this Committee will also be updated about ongoing Kaweah MLRP projects and planning efforts. For more information, contact or (559) 802-1689. Currently, people can join on an ongoing basis and can join the advisory committee whenever there is an upcoming meeting.

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